A plot of land for sale in Kato Archanes with a total area of 10,000 sq m. It is located in a privileged position near the Fourni forest with an unlimited view and is ideal for building houses or any other use. Inside the plot are greenhouses, 4 warehouses of 30 sq.m. and an office of 25 sq.m. Finally, it has three-phase current, a water tank and approximately 150 olive trees.
At your disposal for any real estate assignment or demand collaboration, as well as for any question and advice in the purchase, sale and lease of your property. We have a large number of properties of all types (residential, holiday, commercial and investment properties, land). REMAX Specialists is a member of REMAX, the largest international real estate network in the world with over 9,000 offices in more than 110 countries and more than 147,000 associates.
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