A coastal sloping plot for sale, even and buildable, with a total area of 7847 square meters on the island of Andros. It has an unobstructed view of the sea and the port of Gavrio, it is outside the plan and has the right to build 186 sq.m for residence and 750 sq.m for tourist accommodation.
At your disposal for any real estate assignment or demand collaboration, as well as for any question and advice in the purchase, sale and lease of your property. We have a large number of properties of all types (residential, holiday, commercial and investment properties, land). REMAX Specialists is a member of REMAX, the largest international real estate network in the world with over 9,000 offices in more than 110 countries and more than 147,000 associates.
For more information please contact 694 7095 248 and 2814004848, Michalis Daskalakis, Real Estate Consultant, RE/MAX Specialists National Resistance 6 Heraklion.