Plot of 200 sq.m. for sale. on the Hill of Officers, above the BOAK with dimensions 10X20, SD 0.8 and height 7.5 meters, which builds 160 sq.m.
The area has a very good urban design with wide streets, it is built with very nice houses and having the advantage of the altitude it has a very good climate without much humidity.
Finally, there is a comfortable garden.
At your disposal for any real estate assignment or demand collaboration, as well as for any question and advice in the purchase, sale and lease of your property. We have a large number of properties of all types (residential, holiday, commercial and investment properties, land). REMAX Specialists is a member of REMAX, the largest international real estate network in the world with over 90,000 offices in more than 110 countries and more than 147,000 associates.
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