5-Level Maisonette For Sale in the area of Fyli. The property area is 182 sq m. Habitable, plus 85 sq m of auxiliary spaces. It consists of: 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 wc, kitchen, living room, while the parking spaces it has are: 2 In a closed area. It was built in 2010. The heating of the property is Autonomous, underfloor, with a heat pump, it has a Boiler, External Thermal Insulation, Aluminum Thermally Insulated frames with Triple - Energy-efficient glazing, energy certificate: D and the floors are: Tiles. Some of the advantages of the property, Screens, Awnings, electric shutters, Storage room, Internal staircase, Garden, Security door, Alarm, Security cameras, Internal elevator, Internet, Playroom, Lawn, Electric shutters, Internal courtyard. Its condition is: Very good. It is located near Transportation, Park, Square, has a view of Mountain, Green,, Panoramic View!!
Necessary for the indication of the property is the presentation of the police ID or passport of ALL those who wish to see the property, before the signing (by all) of the relevant Indication Order. Finally, ask our Consultant about the Renovation possibilities and the advantages that our group company, "Resolutions - Renovations" offers you. See more on our main site: https://solutionsgroup.gr/