Exclusive Management of Solutions Group
Patision Ave. - Acharnon Ave. - Amerikis Square, Ground Floor Shop 75 sq.m. is available for sale. It is front-facing, luminous and consists of a ground floor of 50 sq.m., a loft of 25 sq.m. and its frontage is 10 m. It was built in 1975, it has 2 wc, iron frames with single glazing. No Shared Uses. The property is close to Electricity, Transportation, Park, School, Square, Kindergarten, Popular Market, Super Market, Museum, University.
Necessary for the indication of the property is the presentation of the police ID or passport of ALL those who wish to see the property, before the signature (by all) of the relevant Indication Order. Finally, ask our Consultant about the Renovation possibilities and the advantages of Property Insurance, benefits offered to you by the other two companies of our group, "Resolutions - Renovations" and "Insolutions - Insurance Services". See more on our main site: https://solutionsgroup.gr/real-estate/