In Ano Chora of Serifos island, in the famous and frequented Pano Piatsa and next to the picturesque, paved square of the majestic church of Agios Athanasios, one of the first Ovens of the Town is for sale, a two-storey, traditional building of 45 square meters which has been converted into a residence. Stone-built and estimated to have been originally constructed approximately 200 years ago, shortly after the Greek Revolution and when the district of Ano Chora began to be created, the house is in need of some repairs and consists of a ground floor of 22.5 m2 with a single room and the 1st floor (22,5 sqm) with a second room, 1 bathroom, as well as direct access to a 15 sqm terrace overlooking the sea. Only 2.5 km from the Livadi port and the beach and 3.5 hours from Piraeus, the house is located at an altitude of 250m and at a distance of 250m from the nearest access point by car. GLOBALITY REAL ESTATE, contact phone: 2106147790, email:
[email protected], website: